How much windex do I need to make ice cream "clean"...
If you were to ask different followers of fad diets, different cultures or even a handful of people at your local gym for the definition of “clean” eating” or “clean foods” it would be different across the board. This is because there is no designated term for clean foods in nutritional science, because to use those terms are absurd and it 100% demonizes the “dirty” foods.
Foods are broken into high micronutrient value and low to none micronutrient value...
Even with that being said food with calories are still calories, a unit of energy that the body uses to live, but just because one group is higher than the other does not mean that the other is worse or inferior. To put things simply, a healthy diet is constructed of moderation and variety of all types of food to meet caloric and micronutrient goals by the end of the day that allows the person to eat foods they still enjoy to alloy them to live life. The idea that "x is good for me so I need to take x 1000 times" is what fuels the falsehoods of clean eating.
You can have some pizza or cake and eat it too...
Like I stated above placing foods into these two categories leads to people to demonizing certain food groups or specific foods all together. The process a person goes through when demonizing food that they enjoy can lead to harsh disorder eating down the road. Some of these disorders or unhealthy eating habits are binge eating, orthorexia, yo yo dieting, and anorexia (none of those seem fun to me). This is the outcome of the main stream nutrition though, separate foods into good and bad, Best or worst, any arbitrary hierarchy that pushes a groups agenda that has no basis on what the science shows us.
Here is the article that I based most of what I wrote here, read it, it has stronger writing and goes into greater detail.
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